martes, 14 de junio de 2011

Excursión Fin de curso

A semana do 6 ao 9 de xuño de 2011 fomos a Asturias. Alí fixemos moitas cousas:
1º día

-fumos a Lugo, Mondoñedo.
-comimos na praia das catedrais.
-fumos a Oviedo, para acabar en Ribadesella.
2º dia

-fumos a Cabárceno.
-fumos ao palacio da Magdalena.
3º día

-fumos á cova do Tito Bustillo.
-ao museo xurásico.
-fumos aos lagos de Covadonga.
-paseamos polo centro de Ribadesella.

último día

-museo da minería.
-visita a Astorga e comida nun bó restaurante.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Pensa e xoga

Nesta sección poñemos diferentes xogos como:
xeroglificos, que bos faran pensar,enigmas...
E as respostas están ao revés.Feito por Xurxo S.G. ENIGMA 1
O nac senreb net o exalep ocnarb noc sahcnam sargen.E nu nac
ednarg, edop riviv ed 0-81 sona.
Esecerap a nu oseubas ocalop.

A que non adiviñas o que pon arriba?

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

Visiting Ons Island in National Park I. Atánticas

We went to visit the Ons Island.We had a guide who explained the animals, plants and geography of the Island. We are organized into groups and we had to pass different tests on the nature and island life. We also had to orient ourselves and find the path that showed us the paper.
Then we ate and played at the beach.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Theater: Glamorous Rose, 5ºA

Students of 5ºA, they represent "the glamorous Rosa" play, which tells us how the land Rosa gets his map of the area to return to planet earth. Along the way speaks to the Solar System planets and the moon to find your map. We'll play in two schools in Vigo and in our school. The first performance was very nervous but it was a success. Despite the nerves had fun.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Little prince game

We are made a new game: A little Prince. We played with 5ºA

Our game is based on the game of goose. Cells of the game are drawings inspired by the little prince and space

All paintings are made on the subject of book The Little Prince, and the sky. Fields with his paintings were drawn thinking in the sky: planets, stars and earth.

Lighthouse game

We are made a new game
All paintings are made on the subject of the sea and the Cies Islands, the sea environment and the sea. Fields with his paintings have a background of a color. Each color signifies a sense
Each group of boxes have a color that meaning a sense:

Red: It belongs to the group smell

Pink: It belongs to a group of touch

Orange: It belongs to the group sound

Green :Belongs to the group of taste

Yellow: It belongs to the group sight

Blue: It belongs to the group of lighthouses

Brown: It belongs to the group of traps


-All the players throw the dice. Who take the highest number begins.

-If you get into a trap will have to answer to a question. If the failures back off 2 boxes and hit it if you stay on the site to wait for your next turn.

-If you fall into a beacon jump to the next and strip again.

-The first to reach finish line wins

martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

We are Comenius students

Me llamo Daniel, tengo 20 años, vivo en Vigo pero soy brasileño.
Antes vivía en la calle Calvario y ahora es en Couto de San Honorato. Tengo novia, se llama Laura y es muy guapa, hermosa y bella. Ahora estoy ensayando para hacer una obra de teatro en A Coruña, el sábado 17 de abril y en Tui el viernes 19 de Abril.
My name is Daniel.. I´m 20 years old. I live in Vigo, but I´m brazilian. Before, I lived in Calvary street but now I live in Couto de San Honorato. I have a girlfriend, her name is Laura. She is very pretty, lovely and beautiful. Now, I´m trying to make a play in A Coruña
on Sturday 17 April and Tuy on Friday 19 April.
Este es mi amigo se llama André y es mi colega de clase. Tiene también 20 años y como él no puede escribir, escribo yo por él. Tiene una novia que se llama Jessica.
This is my friend, is called André. He is my colleague in class. He is also 20 years old and he can not write, so I write for him. He has a girlfriend named Jessica.